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Malcolm Sargent School Orchard

Claire and Alex, of Roots and Branchout CIC, visited Malcom Sargent school last week. They are the Community Arts workers who are contracted to support schools and communities as part of the SCOGG project. They worked with 90 children in three hours! They made some games and some different parts of an apple tree! The green team at school will be creating a 3d Apple tree throughout this year and the components we made will attach to the tree ! 

They made ..

felt apples 

Felt leaves ( sewing on them to make veins)

Wooden cookies with the shape of apples and pears hammered onto the wood then woven with red and green wool 

And they also made noughts and crosses boards with apples and pears ! 

An enjoyable day ! 

They also collected the children’s thoughts about what they already know about apples, orchards and fruit trees !


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