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Plant a fruit tree for every new house

Wow! A big boost for urban orchards and fruit trees.

The Building Better, Building Beautiful Commission is an independent body set up to advise government on how to promote and increase the use of high-quality design for new build homes and neighbourhoods. In its final report, ‘Living with beauty’, the Commission has set out its recommendations to government.

These include: Policy Proposition 32: plant urban orchards – one fruit tree per house. In addition to the wider benefits set out above, there is a need to reconnect children with nature and with the sources of their food.

The government should: 1) Support a programme of urban orchards within our towns and cities; 2) Encourage, via guidance, local councils to require one fruit tree per new house built; and 3) Encourage housebuilders to plant one fruit tree per house.

Some developers have already done this

Neil Colburn of Stirling Developments helping plant fruit trees at Calderwood

A developer has welcomed new residents to its Calderwood project in West Lothian with free fruit trees for the front garden of properties. The offering is an annual initiative by Stirling Developments to encourage biodiversity.

In the fullness of time, it is hoped there will be an orchard running through the development which will encourage biodiversity, community activity and enhance the streetscape.

It has proved to be a great opportunity to get out into the community and meet new residents – and many fruit trees planted in previous years are already bearing fruit.

Stirling Developments was delighted by the fruit tree uptake from residents this year, with over fifty fruit trees planted around Calderwood in one day.

The development company secured planning consent for new village Calderwood for 2,300 homes in 2014. Since then, over 350 houses have already been delivered and, in terms of occupations, has been one of the fastest selling sites in Scotland. Phase 3 of the development is now under way and is set to be the most exciting phase yet, with plans to deliver additional business opportunities, village centre and a new primary school.

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